Conference History

Highlighted Speakers

Name Affliation Article title
management conference Prof. Dr.María Cantero Saiz University of Cantabria, Spain Market Illiquidity and the Bank Lending Channel
management conference Dr.Christina Kenny Technological University Dublin, Ireland Rheumatoid arthritis and its supervision in Ireland: a public sector management challenge.
management conference Prof. Dr.Tashi Gelek independent scholar-researcher,Switzerland Doing Business with Japanese Governmental Agencies: Case Studies of Managing and Developing Long-term Business Relationship
management conference Dr.Agnieszka Marek The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland Are internal CSR prctices beneficial for employer brand?
management conference Dr.Imen Ghadhab University of Tunis, Tunisia Accounting quality and countries institutional characteristics: Evidence from multinational firms
management conference Prof. Dr.Aotip Ratniyom Faculty of Economics, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok,Thailand Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health and Nutrition Promotion for Aging Society
management conference Prof. Dr.Sivalap Sukpaiboonwat Faculty of Economics, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok,Thailand Aging Society and Pension System in Thailand
management conference Dr.Ifeanyi Celestine Nnado Enugu State University of Science and Technology Agbani Nigeria Operating leverage, firm size and return on assets of quoted financial firms in Nigeria
management conference Dr.Suwimon Hengpatana Srinakharinwirote University, Thailand Educational Achievement and Student Retention of Thai Student: Inequality Analysis at Provincial Level
management conference Dr.Jarita Duasa International Islamic University Malaysia Rice Production Efficiency in Malaysia
management conference Dr.Ayi Tejaningrum STIE Ekuitas, Indonesia The Influence Of The Level Of Innovation And Competence Of HR On Product Quality
management conference Dr.Hanifah STIE Ekuitas, Indonesia The Effect of Liquidity and Adequacy of Operating Cash Flows on the Risk of Financial Distress (Study on Retail Sub-Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2016-2020 Period)
management conference Dr.Christina Morfaki Neapolis University Pafos, Greece Managing Workforce Diversity and Inclusion: A Critical Review and Future Directions
management conference Dr.Łukasz Dopierała Faculty of Economics, University of Gdansk, Poland Who becomes a silver entrepreneur? Empirical evidence from Poland
management conference Mr.Gregory Eisenbarth The Management Coalition, USA Emerging Management Practices In The Post-Pandemic Era
management conference Ms.ilham Asserrar Ibn Zohr University, Morocco SOCIAL NETWORKS : TIME TO WIN BACK TRUST
management conference Mr.Abdullah Talib Humaid Al Jahwari University Tenaga Nasional Malaysia Factors that impacts succession planning implementation: A systematic literature review of empirical studies
management conference Mr.Alexius Purwoto PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan, Indonesia ““Dancing on the Heads of Snakes”: Managing HR in Yemen during a Turmoil Period “
management conference Mr.Adi Santoso Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia Implementation of Persuasive Communication Through Student Enterprise, To Be Entrepreneurs at Muhammadiyah University Ponorogo
management conference Ms.Thitima Sriphon Department of Business Administration, Asia University, Taiwan The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on A Mastery Goal Orientation and Job Satisfaction
management conference Mr.Liangqiu Han Beijing Language and Culture University, China Development of Service Trade and Its Impact on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from China
management conference Mr.Mehdi Bensouda Sidi mohamed ben abdellah university, Morocco Behavioral barriers to energy efficiency and policy interventions: A survey of the literature
management conference Mr.Ivan Russo University of Parma, Italy The impact of different innovation dimensions on start-ups’ survival

Virtual Session